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Hello there! Pleased to meet you

My name is Rolando Penner. I am from a beautiful little hamlet in Northwestern Ontario called Laclu. Living among nature and wildlife is a never-ending source of inspiration for me in writing and creating. I offer web designing services and online marketing management. Learn more about me in the sections below.

to About


At a very young age, I became attracted by the world of art. Even before school drawing was a fascination that produced many little masterpieces of perceived skill. Every math scribbler or workbook would be covered in sketches and scribbles. My working life has led me to different places but the feel for art and visual beauty has never left me. For the last two and a half years I have worked for CountrySide Kenora doing Sales, Advertising, and Marketing. I have built several websites during my time there. 

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to Services

Business Website

I would be happy to work together with you to create a website that feels like you. You have already created the atmosphere that you love in your business. So why would your website do anything different than becoming just another room in your store? Mobile friendly design is always at the top of the list. Call me to discuss the future of your business. 

Wedding Website

Your special day takes a lot of planning and preparation. So why not make sure that everyone knows the plan with as little effort as possible? Create your perfect page that will get everyone almost as excited as you are for your big day. 

Marketing and Graphics

After many hours of research, trials, and designing I have come to be acquainted with the many different facets of online marketing and advertising. I can help creat a system that does what you need it to do with as little investment as possible. 

And this is where my inner artist comes into play again. With the perfect graphics your ad or web page will be sure to catch the eye of your prospective buyer. A professional graphic can say a lot more than a long string of words. 

to Work



1837 Highway 641

Keewatin, ON P0X 1C0

Tel: (807) 464-6169

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© 2023 by RO Marketing. Created by Rolando Penner

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